TWO WEEKS AGO: I saw the most amazing of all concerts featuring Steve Gadd on the drums. I was standing approximately 10 feet from his drumset - AMAZING. I couldn't manage to get any signature for me, or Randy :( but while waiting for the band after the show I met a man who writes for a Nordic jazz magazine who was doing an interview with the guitar player after the show. He recommended some Swedish (and some not) jazz musicians for me to listen to:
1. Lars Gullin
2. Jan Johansson
3. EST (Esbjörn Svensson Trio)
4. Bobo Stenson
5. Steve Swallow
6. Carla Bley
Two things struck me about Steve Gadd's playing. First was his ability to play super fast double strokes between his hands and feet, and second was how powerful his sound was. It wasn't just that he was loud - because it wasn't always just loud - but it was always very powerful and leaning ahead.
I was a little surprised at Steve Gadd himself because I think I imagined his appearance from the videos Randy has shown me, which in my head became a little like George Clooney, and in person only his eyes looked lively and healthy and the rest of his face looked at little haggard.

I learned a new song in Swedish class. It is called "Tycker Du Om Mig", meaning "Do you like me"
Here's how it goes!
Tycker du om mig? Ja, det gör jag!
Är det riktigt säkert? Ja, det är det!
Får jag hålla om dig? Ja, det får du!
Köper du ringen? Ja, det gör jag.
Sätter den på fingret? Ja, det gör jag.
Är det riktigt säkert? Ja, det är det.
Reser vi till prästen? Ja, det gör vi.
Gifter oss förresten? Ja, det gör vi.
Är det riktigt säkert? Ja, det är det.
Quick and dirty translation:
Do you like me? Yes, I do!
Is it really true? Yes it is!
Can I hold you? Yes you can!
Will you buy the ring? Yes I'll do that!
Put it on the finger? Yes I'll do that!
Is it really true? Yes it is!
Go we to the priest? Yes we do that!
...and get married? Yes, we do that!
Is it really true? YES IT IS
page 11 of "Stick Control" has the beginning exercise structure of how to play dbl-strokes between your hands and your feet.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is something we may have discussed before now....(grin)
yeah i know! but he was REALLY good.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I wanted him to sign my copy of stick control to make it magical and blessed, but it didn't happen. They had a guy restraining the crowd and then I couldn't get any of the waiters to go backstage for me :(
ReplyDeleteWait, Randy, do you ever think about how Steve GAdd and George Clooney look alike, or is that just me?
ReplyDeleteBrita I love your blog. I also am sending you a spicy carrot recipe from one of Marianne's books - well, the recipe is too long but you boil carrots and garlic cloves, cook diced onions in olive oil, then crush cumin and caraway and add to the onions with some salt, then add the carrot and garlic, cook some more, mash, add some lemon juice and throw in chopped cilantro.
ReplyDeleteMight be good with your squash
If you want exact proportions let me know,
ReplyDeleteI think you do so well with just the idea however
Also love the photos