Name: Japp (wtf?)
Quantity: two pieces, one package
Description: Mjölkchoklad fylld med mjuk chokladmaräng och kola
"Milk chocolate filled with soft chocolate meringue and caramel"
Evaluation: Now I know what the Swedes eat when they are craving a milky way because that's exactly what it tastes like. Maybe someone can check a milky way for me- this one has the chocolate meringue on the bottom and the caramel on the top.
Made my Marabou, the other big chocolate company besides Coletta
Grade: 5 out of 10. I would eat one of these if I found it lying around, but not really spectacular, lacks that special something I need in a candy bar.
GOTLAND: I went on a trip with some of my classmates to Gotland last weekend. It is an island, technically a part of Sweden, but they consider themselves a separate culture. They had a lot of sheep, a lot of ancient artifacts from vikings etc., and hedgehogs are their national/regional animal.

There were a lot of old kyrkan (churches). Apparently the Danes burned the roofs off of some of them, which was actually really beautiful.
Hobbit house! I forgot what this was. I think it was a rebuilt medieval settlement.
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