Thursday, August 27, 2009

see previous post

Hot dog: does not have feelers, therefore, does not have feelings.
Clearly, the hot dog is a lower life form.

"How undignified!"
"Yes, I quite agree."
"I would never have gotten into this mess if I had just listened to my mother!"
"Too bad. I had plans. I was going to see the world!"

1 comment:

  1. Hot Dog (Shel Silverstein)

    I have a hot dog for a pet,
    The only kind my folks would let
    Me get.
    He does smell sort of bad
    And yet,
    He absolutely never gets
    The sofa wet.
    We have a butcher for a vet,
    The strangest vet you ever met.
    Guess we're the weirdest family yet,
    To have a hot dog for a pet.

