Friday, August 28, 2009

I went to this festival and saw Lykke Li and MGMT. Also, before either of those bands played, a synchronized swimming group did a little something in the pool between the two stages. On the whole, it was fun, but we got rained on and I kept feeling paranoid about how many lit cigarettes were being waived around the area of my head. Oh yeah, and the Lykke Li portion of the festival was attended by a mass of screaming 13 year old girls wearing very much perfume. So between that and the cigarette smoke, it was a little hard to breathe.

I actually have homework for the weekend (arrrrg vacation over) so I had to turn down a crayfish party in order to feel more secure about life and my schedule etc etc etc.

Plans for tomorrow may include a visit to a jazz club or swimming hall, don't know how that will pan out yet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

see previous post

Hot dog: does not have feelers, therefore, does not have feelings.
Clearly, the hot dog is a lower life form.

"How undignified!"
"Yes, I quite agree."
"I would never have gotten into this mess if I had just listened to my mother!"
"Too bad. I had plans. I was going to see the world!"

good (crayfish) times.

I went to a crayfish festival this evening, but was shocked at how much they looked like something I would have for a pet. They were almost cute. How can I possibly eat something with arms and legs and feelers! If it has feelers, then I probably has feelings as well! Vernie (co-student, fellow crayfish festival attendee) was very supportive, and cracked them for me.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Best!

I found out today that
1. I am tidier than the last student to stay here.
2. I am much worse at Boggle than the last student.

This is IMPORTANT information because I want to be more memorable than the last student.
I can't think of what kinds of things I could be memorable for... but in the mean time, here is a pic of a spider I met today. More updates when I find out/someone tells me what kind it is. The watch was in case he wanted to know what time it was, but I guess he didn't because he ran away behind the trash can shortly afterward.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

No park is complete without its creep(s).

I was approached in a park called Kungstradgarden while I was trying to read by a man who looked normal until he told me I was the most beautiful girl in the world. He offered to buy me a beer, which I politely (I think) declined, and then he offered to teach me Swedish on the condition that I would teach him English. He was youngish and he said he had been in Sweden for two years, working at Burger King, and had forgotten his English. I said OK, and we spent 15 minutes pointing at things and writing them in English, Swedish, and Arabic. That's when he wrote "I love you"in my notebook and tried to put his arm around me. The bad part is he looked entirely sane compared to the guy who was stumbling around the fountain, peeking under park benches and mumbling to himself. Plus the little drink gazebo was all out of iced coffee and iced tea, and I had to drink orange juice. NOTE TO SELF: Do not come here alone/at all/when dressed as a woman/until you are also crazy/unless it is absolutely necessary.

So far, Stockholm has been great. Take for example the sea. It is exciting. And it smells good. the second day I was here, we (all of the program students) took a three hour boat trip to the island Finnhamn. We had our first fika (coffee break). We swam in really cold water, and they all got to see me strip down to my underwear, because when they said "bring beachwear" I thought that meant sandals. FUN!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Here we go...

With prompting from at least a few people, I have temporarily overcome my fear and dislike of computers to set up this blog so that I might better keep in touch with y'alls. I don't really know how this is supposed to work, but I guess I'll figure it out, right?