My new address is this: Brita Higgins, Vrå Højskole, Højskolevej 1, 9760 Vrå, Denmark
Specific apologies to Caleb and Marianne for taking so long, especially Caleb who is used to me showing up late everywhere and is very patient and still friends with me despite this sort of thing happening all of the time - by the way, we never went on a bike ride to your house from downtown we should do that sometime.

Erik just left today from visiting, and I think Søren tried to convince him to come to school here... maybe it will happen, who knows, right? and he got to meet the people I have met and see the school again which was hopefully fun.
JON GARREY! I heard from Erik that I got a postcard from you THANK YOU!!!! But I haven't seen it yet, Erik needs to send it to me, but I'll just say that please you are welcome to visit anytime, you can sleep on my floor or probably get your own room and eat with us all for free! So do it! Weekends are completely free so we could go iceskating or watch movies or have a party but weekdays are free after 4pm and basically all I do all day is listen to music and play with fabric so you're welcome there too. Just let me know before hand so I don't run away to Stockholm on a whim at that particular time.
Speaking of which. Stockholm, I miss you lots and lots and I am going to come visit as soon as possible. We will have många många fikas!!!! and dance about and drink öl!
Grandma - thank you for sending a letter, I'm looking forward to it and I will send you one back!
Anna Smith - thank you for facebook stalking me and calling me a pretty lady!
Anna Cassel - I miss you! Come visit! I need to send you some music which I will do soon.
Tim - thanks for dropping a line and basically its really nice to be remembered.
Randy - damn you and your moving! but its ok because we'll hang out this summer.
Meemo, Jim, Mom and Dad - thanks for all of your picture captions. Erik thought "your base are belong to us" should win, but I haven't really picked a winner because they all made me laugh and that was really the whole point :)
Seth - hello! ha ha I know you read this now I can mind control you with hidden messages!!!
J.A. - hejsan! Har du glömpt mig nu? Jag hoppas inte! Jag behöver din hjälp att kommer ihåg hur man talar Svensk! Dansk är svart att lära.
Here are some more random pictures from the last two months or so:
Jonas in his new shirt for Christmas!

Yes, so look forward to more news, on the classes, how I'm feeling, what I'm thinking, useful phrases in Danish, what's for dinner, how many cups of coffee I can drink in one day without feeling gross, and what its like to be here.